Conversion of Broyle Mill Farmstead Lewes to Residential Use

Aerial view of completed Broyle Mill Farm
Site Completion

Conversion of a late 18th Century Farmstead in 21 acres to include a total of 8 residential units. The farmstead included a Corn Windmill in the croft to the rear of the farm until about 1890 when it burnt down and disappeared from OS Map records.  A late 18th Century Steam Mill building replaced the Windmill and still survives although altered and converted to residential use. The complete scheme was submitted in two phases:

Phase 1: Conversion of Barn and Stables into 4 residential units  was approved under ref LW/16/0519.

Phase 2: Conversion of Old Steam Mill Building (Cottage) and The Old Coach House (Tractor Shed) into 2 residential units was approved under ref LW/17/0312.

The site reached completion with all units quickly sold.

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