Low Energy Rear Extension within Conservation Area Ditchling

No 4 Barnfield Gardens is very unusual for Ditchling (or anywhere in the SDNP for that matter) as it forms a modern example of  domestic urban estate architecture usually seen on urban fringes. This is a 1930s estate of  Estate of 6 mock Tudor dwellings all with timber appliqué grouped  around a small village green on the edge of the downland countryside (SDNP).

This large  detached dwelling sits in fine park-like grounds overlooking the public park to the south but clients felt it suffered from small windows and a rather dark & sombre interior. The proposal is  an extensively glazed wrap-around rear single storey extension  with a cantilevered roof to protect the new kitchen dining living area and  master bedroom suite.  The attic was also converted with a large new dormer with projecting Juliette Balcony added. Scheme approved July 2016 construction completion July 2017.

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