Roof Structure Extension and Alterations to Firle Estate Managers House

Formerly the Firle Estate Manager’s House sited on the edge of Firle Conservation Area with  fine views across open farmland towards the South Downs. Clients were keen to radically improve the present building design with a more sustainable solution utilising modern ecological technology  and materails performance. NDA were commissioned  to advise on a design strategy, whether by extending the building or making extensive alterations. We suggested an attic  conversion and internal alterations would be more effective than an extension so as to maximise the accommodation and provide a stunning second floor master bedroom suite.  The design development was intended to address the poor massing of the building by introducing an external freestanding Oak framed Dormer Carriage structure to carry two large projecting balconies with Oak framed dormers supported on a substantial Oak carriage running through the building front to back.  Planning and Conservation Area Approval was granted by Lewes DC followed by Building Regulation Approval. We involved The Green Oak Carpentry Company Ltd to assist with the design and detailing of the Dormer Carriage Oak work which included restructuring the attic roof to integrate the structure properly.

Dormer Carriage detailing: Green Oak Carpentry Co Ltd:

Land Surveyors: MJ Zara Associates Ltd                        

Structural Engineer: Dennis Manning

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